Date: Saturday, October 26, 2024
Time: 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Location: Saints Constantine and Helen Church
Event Chair: Jenna Winn
Contact: 214-991-2425 |
The church will host a Trunk-or-Treat event on Saturday, Oct. 26 for church and community families. We will have a bounce house, face painting, food and fun! Come and join us!!!
Volunteers Needed
To have a successful event, we are counting on our amazing community to make it all happen! We are in need of the following volunteers:
Decorated Trunks: Each family will have their trunks decorated and candy to hand out to our guests. Please arrive at least an hour early to get your trunks set up. In the event of bad weather, we can set up in the hall with each family having a table. Please feel free to dress up in your favorite appropriate costume! We would love to have a minimum of twenty (20) trunks. Please provide some sort of game by your trunk for children and some candy / prizes.
Set-up Crew: We need your help to set up tables in the church hall to be ready in case of rainy weather. We would like to have about four (4) volunteers.
Parking Team: We will need people at the entrances directing people where to park and where to exit. We will also need volunteers to direct people where to walk. We will need about two (2) volunteers for this task.
Hot Dog Cookers: If you would like to help with cooking the hot dogs, please sign up! We will need about two (2) volunteers for this job.
Clean-up Crew: We need as many volunteers as possible to help clean up the church/church grounds after this great and fun event!
Items to Donate
Gift Cards: If you would like to donate a Costco gift card, please let Jenna know. Your donations are greatly appreciated!
Please use the sign up form below and volunteer today! If you have any questions, please give me a call, text, or email.
Thank you and God bless you and your families always!